terça-feira, 16 de fevereiro de 2010

Structured Settlement

A structured settlement is a kind of financial or insurance arrangement that includes periodic payments. A claimant has to accept resolving a personal injury tort claim. Otherwise he has to compromise a statutory periodic payment obligation. First settlements appeared in the United States of America and in Canada in the 1970s. They were utilized as an alternative to lump sum settlements. The synonymous to "structured settlements" are "periodic payments".

Structured laws are enacted in the United States of America at the federal and state levels both. Federal laws include sections of the Internal Revenue Code. State laws include the following: periodic payment of judgment statutes and structured settlement protection statutes. Periodic payments are affected by Medicaid and Medicare laws. Structured settlement payments may be incorporated into "Medicare Set Aside Arrangements" "Special Needs Trusts" to preserve a claimant's Medicare and Medicaid benefits.

Some of the nation's largest disability rights organizations have endorsed structured settlements. For example these are American Association of People with Disabilities and the National Organization on Disability.

Generally periodic payments are structured in the following way: the claimant (an injured party) settles a tort suit with the defendant pursuant (or its insurance carrier) to a settlement agreement according to which, the defendant or its insurer agrees to make a series of periodic payments over time in exchange for the claimant's securing the dismissal of the lawsuit. Then the defendant is being obliged for a long-term payment to the claimant. In the most common case, to fund this obligation, the insurer takes one of the following approaches: a third party is being delegated with a periodic payment obligation, otherwise the insurer have to purchase an annuity from a life insurance company (that arrangement is called a "buy and hold" case.

As were said previously, structured settlements appeared in the USA in the 1970s. For nearly a half of a century since they were set, lots of economists studied them. The economical studies grew fast and there were made efficient developments. Nowadays there are more opportunities for American citizens then in 1970s. Currently you may even sell settlements if you are in a need of money. This may provide you with a steady income. You need not to wait for years, but get your money right now. Specialists will help you to get cash for structured settlements. You can earn nice sums of money without any extra efforts. Everything will be done by the team of the specialists.

Selling periodic payments you may earn great sums of money. It is legal. More of that it is justly that you shouldn't wait for a long time and just sell your such settlements. That may give you enough money to buy a car or a house. You don't have to wait anymore if you are in a need of money.

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