sexta-feira, 5 de março de 2010

Why You Should Consider Hiring a Structured Settlement Broker

If you are receiving a structured settlement, you may want to look into hiring a structured settlement broker. There are certain advantages to having a broker help you navigate through the settlement process. Brokers understand how these types of settlements work, and can help you understand all of the details this type of deal involves. They can help you create a plan which best suits you and your situation, which is something you may not be able to do on your own.

A settlement broker can help you negotiate a settlement or can help you sell your structured settlement, should you wish to do so. They are flexible in the services they provide as either a negotiator, or as acting in your proxy in order to sell your settlement. Brokers work with both sides of the settlement process, striving to get an agreement ironed out which meets your needs.

In many instances, an individual could be losing money by not using a competent settlement broker. Acting as your agent, your broker will relate your interests to the entity which will be making the payments. In most cases, a good broker will be able to get everything you request pertaining to selling your settlement.

If you are selling your structured settlement, the broker will attempt to get the most money for your settlement as possible. Some brokers will work on a percentage basis, so it is definitely in their best interest to sell your settlement for top dollar. If you have a large settlement, a broker can make a huge difference in the amount of money that you receive from whoever is purchasing it.

Most individuals receiving structured settlements are doing so because of injury or personal loss. There are also instances where lottery winners will want to sell their yearly or monthly lottery payments, instead of waiting years to get their complete winnings. In either instance, it is to your advantage to get someone who knows the intricacies of both the laws and the formalities of buying and selling settlements.

A settlement broker is a professional who specializes in getting the most money from buying or selling settlements. In almost all cases, an individual will walk away with more cash in their pockets by hiring a competent broker. Therefore, it only makes sense to have one working for you.

Structured Settlement Loan: The Downside

A structured settlement is a large amount of money awarded to an individual with a specific payout schedule. The funds are disbursed over a period of time rather than given in one large amount to help the recipient pay for living expenses and monthly bills if the award was made through litigation.

Structured pauot agreements can be generated from lottery payouts, insurance awards or inherited annuities from a relative's estate. The bottom line is that a structured settlement is a monthly income stream that continues throughout the term of the agreement.

However, as anyone knows unforeseen situations do come up that may require access to more cash than a person has in the bank. Usually a loan is taken out as mortgage on the home or unsecured debt in the form of credit cards etc. but, you can also take a loan against your structured settlement payments you receive as well. If you have access to a monthly income stream through a structured settlement, you can sell all or part of these payments to get a larger amount of money in a shorter time period.

Unfortunately, there are downsides to this type of arrangement that everyone should be aware of before pursuing this type of agreement.

  1. There are many companies out there who will gladly pay you a lump sum to receive the monthly income stream. But the cost of getting your money early may be extreme. These companies will pay you a discounted rate for the purpose of making a lot of money over the life of the annuity.
  2. Structured Settlements were designed to provide a way for an individual to manage their money and provide a consistent source of funds to pay bills and etc. Receiving a single amount of money can be an extreme temptation to blow the money on luxury items rather than what is was meant for.
  3. Accepting a large amount of money through a settlement loan may trigger significant tax burden to the individual that received the money. This alone can be a reason to avoid a structured settlement loan.

In summary, if you are receiving a monthly income stream from a structured settlement and want to get the money faster, there are several reasons you may want to proceed carefully before signing an agreement.

Structured settlement payouts should be based not only the immediate needs, but also have enough flexibility built into the agreement for the future.